About Us

Short History

Băneasa area in the north of Bucharest has become one of the most dynamic development poles for the commercial real estate sector in the country. The quick access to the centre and the exit from the city and the proximity to a forest with an impressive dimension have represented, over time, points of attraction for a city in continuous development.


Located in District 1, in Băneasa, probably in the most beautiful location in the northern area, and embraced by 900 hectares of forest, GREENFIELD BĂNEASA offers residents a lot of facilities both inside the compound and in its immediate vicinity. Residents enjoy all the advantages of a secluded, unique location, but also the advantages of an urban life offered by a European capital.

Phases of Development

Developed on an area of ​​60 hectares of land, embraced by 900 hectares of forest, Greenfield residential compound in Băneasa has exceptional urban indicators (CUT <1), over 180,000 sqm of green spaces inside the neighbourhood, low noise level, a superior air quality, characteristics usually identified in a mountain town located at an altitude of over 1000 m.

Development: 2007 – 2031 in several phases

Total Number of Apartments: about 6.600

Phase 1 2007 – 2010 / 2020 - 2022

THE FIRST PHASE of GREENFIELD project, developed in the period 2007-2010 and sold 100%, covers an area of ​​10 ha and includes 680 apartments and villas. More than 1,700 “different people from Bucharest” already live here.In March 2020 we have launched Panoramic Apartments, the new towers with panoramic views over the forest and the entire northern part of the city, which come to complete the first phase of development.

Phase 2 2014 - 2016 / 2020 - 2021

The second phase of the project, the Salcâmilor Compound, with development in the period 2014-2016 and 2020 – 2021 (block of flats D40), covers an area of ​​7 ha and includes 36 blocks with 965 apartments with one, two, three and four rooms. 96% of the total housing available here has already been contracted, and currently the Salcâmilor Ensemble has over 2,300 inhabitants.

Phase 3 2016 - 2019

The third phase, Platanilor Compound, developed in the period 2016 – 2019, on an area of ​​10 ha, includes 944 apartments with one, two, three and four rooms, in 39 blocks. 99% of the total housing available here has already been contracted, and currently, the Platanilor Compound has 2,000 inhabitants. .

PLAZA 2020 - 2022

Greenfield Community Centre the largest community centre dedicated to a residential compound, brings a new standard of comfort and efficiency, by including all the functionalities necessary for a community with over 6000 residents. The community centre with development in the period 2020 – 2021, takes place on a land area of ​​32,071 sqm. sup>.

Phase 4 2020 - 2024

The fourth phase, Teilor Compound, planned to be developed in the period 2020 – 2024 comprises 1,167 apartments with one, two and three rooms, in 14 blocks.

Next Phases 2023 - 2031

The next phases, with development during 2023 – 2031, comprises 2,554 apartments with one, two, three and 4 rooms.


Built using the highest standard of housing in the affordable housing segment, Greenfield will become the largest green project in Eastern Europe through the widespread use of renewable energy, low emissions and efficient and sustainable water and waste management.

Social Responsibility

We believe in the power of example and in the formation of the young generation, so we promote and get involved as active partners in events that support traditions and values, in educational activities and volunteer actions that urge residents to live in harmony with nature. At the same time, we support a healthy lifestyle, which emphasizes maintaining physical condition and the benefits of parent-child outdoors activities.
participants in CSR actions
planted trees till present time
kg of garbage collected
organized or sponsored events


Over 30 years of leadership, innovation and excellence
We believe in the art of building. We believe in the art of living. We believe that homes can provide comfort, inspire and bring balance and energy. We believe that every house must be built with passion and perspective. Our projects are born from these beliefs, to embrace your story, in sublime harmony. Our mission is to have a positive impact on people’s lives, by building high quality housing, with an emphasis on wellbeing and efficiency, to generate profitable investments for our customers.
Impact’s over 30 years of experience validate the perspectives and plans for constructing ambitious projects in the main cities of the country: Bucuresti, Constanta, Timisoara, Iasi and Cluj. More details about IMPACT Developer & Contractor SA, on: www.impactsa.ro


The first residential project in Bucharest with Breeam Excellent Certification, LUXURIA embraces a new philosophy of life.
Located in District 1, Exhibition Area, the compound is designed to meet the highest quality of life expectations through the comfort and facilities offered: exceptional architecture and finishes, underground parking, 9,650 sqm of green space, fitness centres, playgrounds for children, receptions available 24/7.
Modern and exclusive, Luxuria offers a select lifestyle and a luxurious setting through each detail. More details about Luxuria, on: www.luxuria-residence.ro


Boreal is a real story built by Impact and enlivened by every family that has chosen to live better, with more meaning, giving us the vote of confidence in a wise choice.
For almost 30 years we have been building homes that embrace life stories and thus, we are laying the foundations for a long-term partnership. We are developing projects at a national level, but the longing for the sea and the nostalgia for everything Boreal means, the first residential compound built in Constanța after 1989, motivated us to start the BOREAL PLUS project, which includes 18 elegant villas and 9 apartment blocks and a plus of comfort and facilities in the area, including: new landscaped green spaces, a Kaufland store, kindergarten, park with playgrounds for children, but also commercial spaces.
Every family needs a place to grow, to dream, to call “HOME”. Exactly what BOREAL PLUS offers: a wonderful environment in which families thrive, in perfect harmony with nature. More details about BOREAL PLUS, on: www.boreal-plus.ro

Greenfield Copou

During this year we will start the construction works on a large-scale residential project in Copou neighbourhood in Iasi, a location filled with history and tradition, which has become one of the most dynamic and attractive residential areas in Moldova.
In full harmony with the unique natural environment in which it will be built, Greenfield Copou will replicate the Greenfield housing model, becoming the largest green residential building project in Iasi, certified BREEAM Excellent.
The apartments will benefit from premium finishes and will offer spectacular views of the city and the Botanical Garden in low-height regime buildings separated by generous green spaces. Excellent facilities and excellent connectivity with the city’s points of interest complement the mix of attributes that will make Greenfield Copou the new landmark of residential developments in Iasi.


SPATZIOO is the company for rental and property management services of the residential or commercial properties developed by IMPACT. Property management involves managing tenants, collecting the rental fees and ensuring that the property is maintained in good conditions. The intention is to provide residents with a safe and comfortable environment to live in, whilst ensuring that the owner gets the maximum return of his investment. The professional team of SPATZIOO, with its own employees, dedicated to each IMPACT project, manages the entire logistics of promoting and managing a property, whether we’re talking about an apartment, a house, an office or commercial space. More details about BOREAL PLUS on, www.spatzioo.ro
VideoBG Placeholder

Scurt Istoric

Zona Băneasa din nordul Bucureștiului a ajuns unul dintre cei mai dinamici poli de dezvoltare pentru sectorul imobiliar comercial din țară. Accesul rapid spre centru și ieșirea din oraș și apropierea de o pădure cu o suprafață impresionantă au reprezentat, de-a lungul timpului, puncte de atracție pentru un oraș aflat în permanentă dezvoltare.

Cartierul Băneasa își are originile pe o parte din vechea moșie care a aparținut Mariei Bibescu, ulterior devenită contesa Maria de Montesquieu. Despre originile și istoria plină de culoare ale acestui cartier puteti citi aici.

Proiectul nostru fanion, Greenfield Băneasa este amplasat în arealul delimitat de Pădurea Băneasa, Pădurea Tunari și Aleea Teișani, pe un teren intravilan (încă din 1990), a cărui fostă destinație era una agricolă, în special pășunat, așa cum indică hărți și documente publice.

Marturie stau documente vechi de cca 100 de ani. O hartă a zonei, veche din anul 1921 confirmă cele spuse mai sus, și mai exact faptul că pe arealul pe care s-a construit ansamblul rezidențial Greenfield nu a existat pădure, cel puțin de când avem documente, până în prezent.
Un plan de sistematizare al comunei Băneasa vechi de aproape un secol prevedea că „principial acolo nu admitem instalarea de industrii, ci numai locuințe”. Recensământul din anul 1930 arăta că în Băneasa existau 535 de case locuite și 3225 de locuitori.
Aproape 90 de ani mai târziu, vei putea identifica rapid pădurea din partea de nord a orașului, structura ei macro fiind relativ neschimbată. Localizat chiar în apropierea pădurii, cartierul Greenfield s-a dezvoltat în mod constant începând cu anul 2007.
Impact Developer & Contractor are o strategie de dezvoltare a complexului până în anul 2028. Întregul cartier se va întinde pe 60 de hectare și va fi dezvoltat în 5 faze, fiind finalizate până acum trei faze care însumează 2.568 de apartamente. La finalul ciclului de dezvoltare, în cartier ar urma să fie operaționalizate peste 7.000 de locuințe. In anul 2019 Impact Developer & Contractor a donat pentru compensarea fondului forestier un teren în valoare de 1,8 milioane lei și a achiziționat suprafețe de teren în valoare de aprox. 1 milion de euro pentru construcția de căi de acces suplimentare.
Totodată Impact Developer & Contractor finanțează cu sume ce totalizează peste 1 milion de euro (fără TVA) extinderea utilităților publice ce vor deservi implicit și toate zonele aflate în vecinătatea cartierului Greenfield. Demersurile companiei noastre nu se concentrează exclusiv pe nevoile comunităților pe care le dezvoltăm, ci ele sunt gândite să facă parte dintr-un ansamblu de funcțiuni publice de interes general. Din acest motiv, am înaintat autorităților oferte irevocabile de donație pentru suprafețe de teren destinate construcției de instituții de învățământ publice de stat (școală și grădiniță), a unei subunități ISU și a unui terminal STB care să deservească întreaga zonă de Nord a Capitalei, precum și toate utilitățile necesare. Valoarea cumulată a acestor terenuri depășește 4,5 milioane de euro.
Pentru grădinița și școala ce vor fi amplasate pe un teren de 9.620 de metri pătrați donat în totalitate Primăriei Sectorului 1 încă de la începutul anului (2020), am suportat inclusiv costurile proiectului, de asemenea donat autorităților locale. În cele două instituții de învățământ vor învăța aproximativ 1.000 de copii din zonă, nu numai cei domiciliați în Greenfield Residence
În ceea ce privește următoarea etapă de dezvoltare a cartierului Greenfield (2020 – 2028), aceasta va cuprinde imobile cu amprentă redusă de CO2, spații verzi mult mai mari față de normativele legale, precum și soluții de tip smart city și wellness. În acest sens, Impact Developer & Contractor va subvenționa construirea în cartier a unui centru comercial cu impact asupra mediului, aproape inexistent. Astfel, în același timp cu satisfacerea unei nevoi reale a locuitorilor complexului, se va reduce semnificativ și traficul către oraș al rezidenților.

Short History

Băneasa area in the north of Bucharest has become one of the most dynamic development poles for the commercial real estate sector in the country. The quick access to the centre and the exit from the city and the proximity to a forest with an impressive dimension have represented, over time, points of attraction for a city in continuous development.
Băneasa neighbourhood has its origins on a part of the old estate that belonged to Maria Bibescu, later becoming Countess Maria de Montesquieu.
Our flagship project, Greenfield Băneasa, is located in the area delimited by Băneasa Forest, Tunari Forest and Teișani Alley, on an urban land (since 1990), whose former destination was an agricultural one, especially grazed, as indicated by maps and public documents.
As a testimony there are some documents of about 100 years old. A map of the area, old from 1921 confirms what was said above, and more precisely the fact that on the area on which the Greenfield residential complex was built there was no forest, at least since we have the documents, till present time. A systematization plan of the almost century – old Băneasa commune provided that “basically we do not allow the installation of industries, but only housing”. The 1930 census showed that in Băneasa there were 535 inhabited houses and 3225 inhabitants. Almost 90 years later, you will be able to quickly identify the forest in the northern part of the city, its macro structure being relatively unchanged. Located right next to the forest, the Greenfield neighbourhood has grown steadily since 2007.
Impact Developer & Contractor has a development strategy for the residential compound until 2028. The entire neighbourhood will cover 60 hectares and will be developed in 5 phases, so far being completed three phases, with a total of 2,568 apartments. At the end of the development cycle, more than 7,000 homes would be operationalized in the neighbourhood. In 2019 Impact Developer & Contractor donated for the compensation of the forest fund a land worth 1.8 million lei and purchased land areas worth approx. 1 million euros for the construction of additional access roads.
At the same time, Impact Developer & Contractor finances with amounts totalling over 1 million euros (excluding VAT) the extension of public utilities that will implicitly serve all areas in the vicinity of the Greenfield neighbourhood. Our company’s approaches do not focus exclusively on the needs of the communities we develop, but they are designed to be part of a set of public functions of general interest. Based on these considerations, we have submitted to the authorities, irrevocable land donation offers for the construction of state public education institutions (school and kindergarten), an ISU subunit and an STB terminal to serve the entire northern part of the Capital, as well as and all the necessary utilities. The cumulative value of these lands exceeds 4.5 million euros.
For the kindergarten and school that will be located on a plot of 9,620 square meters donated entirely to the City Hall of District 1 since the beginning of the year (2020), we also covered the costs of the project, also donated to local authorities. Approximately 1,000 children from the area will study in the two educational institutions, not only those residing in Greenfield Băneasa.
Regarding the next stage of development of the Greenfield neighbourhood (2020 – 2028), it will include buildings with low CO2 footprint, much larger green spaces than legal regulations, as well as smart city and wellness solutions. In this sense, Impact Developer & Contractor will subsidize the construction of an almost non-existent shopping centre in the neighbourhood with an impact on the environment. Thus, at the same time as satisfying a real need of the inhabitants of the complex, the traffic to the city of the residents will be significantly reduced.

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