
Obiectivul nostru pe termen lung are un scop precis: să avem un impact pozitiv asupra mediului și a societății, în timp ce creăm valoare atât pentru locuitorii din Greenfield, cât și pentru companie.

Reducing CO2 emissions

Through the strategic partnerships we have with world leaders in green energy projects, we try to bring a new standard of efficiency in construction, in large-scale real estate projects, in Romania.
Greenfield currently offers the highest standard of living in the affordable housing segment and has been developed using standardized building solutions for cost efficiency and high energy performance.

The properties and apartments in Greenfield have:

To reduce CO2 emissions and preserve the exceptional quality of the environment, in Greenfield we focused on:

Greenfield is becoming the largest green project in Eastern Europe

Key aspects of development are: widespread use of renewable energy, energy-efficient buildings and systems, green roofs and facades, efficient and sustainable water management, waste management, low-emission transportation solutions, smart home solutions and a sustainable and modern city.

Large-scale use of renewable energy

Low emission transport solutions

Efficient and sustainable water and waste management

High energy efficiency constructions and systems

We are raising the CSR standard in the industry

Greenfield’s goal is to provide well-built housing and the ideal setting for a responsible community, where residents can access all the facilities and services they need.
The existence of a neighbourhood near the forest attracts the need to come up with social responsibility initiatives. Greenfield residents live in harmony with nature and in accordance with its laws, respecting and protecting the animals in the area and taking care of the forest and the environment.
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